Bombes (P)03/2010 MyLzz59: le Code Source Complet
(à coller dans la zone de code de la première feuille)
' ----------------- ' Zone Déclarations ' ----------------- Const Tit = "Bombes (P)03/2010 MyLzz59" Const Ym = 30, Xm = 40, Nb = 100, Xt = 2, Xb = 18, Xc = 28, Xr = 32 'Dim P() As Integer ' ------------------ ' EVT: Teste la Zone ' ------------------ Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Y = Target.Row: X = Target.Column: Cancel = True If Y = Ym + 2 And X = Xr Then If MsgBox("Réinitialiser l'Aire de Jeu ?", _ vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, Tit) = vbYes Then Remplis Exit Sub End If If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Then Exit Sub Prot False: Pop Y, X: TesteGagne: Prot True End Sub ' ------------ ' EVT: Drapeau ' ------------ Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Y = Target.Row: X = Target.Column: If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Then Exit Sub Select Case Target.Text Case "": T = 10: T2 = -1: GoSub SS1 Case "O": T = 11: T2 = 1: GoSub SS1 End Select Cancel = True: Exit Sub SS1: Prot False: Colorie Y, X, 1 * T: Cells(Ym + 2, Xb) = Cells(Ym + 2, Xb) + T2 If PP(Y, X) = 9 Then Cells(Ym + 6, Xb) = Cells(Ym + 6, Xb) + T2 Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) = Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) + T2: TesteGagne: Prot True: Return End Sub ' ----------------------- ' Crée un Nouveau Terrain ' ----------------------- Sub Remplis() Randomize Timer 'ReDim P(1 To Ym, 1 To Xm) Prot False Cells(Ym + 5, 1).Value = "Z" + String$(Xm * Ym, "0") Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Ym, Xm)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Ym, Xm)).ClearContents ' Nettoyage For T = 1 To Nb 'Do: Y = Int(Rnd * Ym) + 1: X = Int(Rnd * Xm) + 1: Loop While P(Y, X) = 9 ' Bombes Do: Y = Int(Rnd * Ym) + 1: X = Int(Rnd * Xm) + 1: Loop While PP(Y, X) = 9 ' Bombes For Y2 = Y - 1 To Y + 1: For X2 = X - 1 To X + 1 If X2 >= 1 And X2 <= Xm And Y2 >= 1 And Y2 <= Ym Then If X2 <> X Or Y2 <> Y Then 'If P(Y2, X2) < 9 Then P(Y2, X2) = P(Y2, X2) + 1 ' Incrément autour If PP(Y2, X2) < 9 Then PP(Y2, X2) = PP(Y2, X2) + 1 ' Incrément autour Else 'P(Y, X) = 9 ' Place Bombe PP(Y, X) = 9 ' Place Bombe End If End If Next X2, Y2 Next T Cells(Ym + 2, Xt).Value = Tit: Cells(Ym + 2, Xb).Value = Nb Cells(Ym + 2, Xc).Value = Xm * Ym: Cells(Ym + 6, Xb).Value = Nb 'Marquages Prot True: MsgBox "Bonne Chance ;)", vbInformation, Tit End Sub ' ---------------------------------- ' SUB: Découvrir une Case (Récursif) ' ---------------------------------- Sub Pop(ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal X As Integer) If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Then Exit Sub If Cells(Y, X).Text <> "" Then Exit Sub 'Colorie Y, X, P(Y, X): Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) = Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) - 1 Colorie Y, X, PP(Y, X): Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) = Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) - 1 'Select Case P(Y, X) Select Case PP(Y, X) Case 9 ' Bombe ' -- For Y = 1 To Ym: For X = 1 To Xm 'If Cells(Y, X).Text = "" _ or Cells(Y, X).Text = "O" Then Colorie Y, X, P(Y, X) If Cells(Y, X).Text = "" _ Or Cells(Y, X).Text = "O" Then Colorie Y, X, PP(Y, X) If Cells(Y, X).Text = "0" Then Colorie Y, X, 13 Next X, Y MsgBox "<<<< BOOM >>>>" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Vous avez perdu.. :(", vbCritical, Tit ' -- Case 1 To 8 ' Découvrir Case 0 ' Découvrir en Récursif For Y2 = Y - 1 To Y + 1: For X2 = X - 1 To X + 1 If X2 >= 1 And X2 <= Xm And Y2 >= 1 And Y2 <= Ym Then If Cells(Y2, X2).Text = "" Then Pop Y2, X2 End If Next X2, Y2 End Select End Sub ' -------------- ' Sub TesteGagne ' -------------- Sub TesteGagne() If Cells(Ym + 2, Xb).Value = Cells(Ym + 2, Xc).Value Or _ (Cells(Ym + 2, Xb).Value = 0 And Cells(Ym + 6, Xb).Value = 0) Then For Y = 1 To Ym: For X = 1 To Xm 'If Cells(Y, X).Text = "" _ or Cells(Y, X).Text = "O" Then Colorie Y, X, P(Y, X) If Cells(Y, X).Text = "" _ Or Cells(Y, X).Text = "O" Then Colorie Y, X, PP(Y, X) If Cells(Y, X).Text = "0" Then Colorie Y, X, 12 Next X, Y MsgBox "<<<< BRAVO >>>>" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Vous avez gagné.. :)", vbInformation, Tit End If End Sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub: Colorie la Case (Y,X) en Fonction du Nombre de Bombes (ou autre..) ' ( N=0..8 ; N=9:Bombe ; N=10:Drapeau ; N=11:Cachée ; N=12:Gagné ; N=13:Perdu ) ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Colorie(ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal X As Integer, ByRef N As Integer) If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Or N < 0 Or N > 13 Then Exit Sub With Cells(Y, X) .Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(N = 13, 30, IIf(N = 12, 10, _ IIf(N = 11, 15, IIf(N = 10, 19, IIf(N = 9, 3, IIf(N, 17, 16)))))) .Font.ColorIndex = IIf(N = 13, 30, IIf(N = 12, 10, _ IIf(N = 11, 11, IIf(N = 10, 11, IIf(N = 9, 1, IIf(N, 8, 16)))))) .Font.Name = IIf(N > 8 And N < 11, "Wingdings", "Comic Sans") .Value = IIf(N > 11, "0", IIf(N = 11, "", IIf(N = 10, "O", IIf(N = 9, "M", CStr(N))))) End With End Sub ' ------------------- ' SUB: Protéger (O/N) ' ------------------- Sub Prot(B As Boolean) If B Then Sheets(1).Protect "" Else Sheets(1).Unprotect "" End Sub ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Property Let: simule l'Ecriture de N [Integer] dans PP(Y,X) [Integer] ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Property Let PP(ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal X As Integer, ByRef N As Integer) If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Or N < 0 Or N > 9 Then Exit Property Z$ = Cells(Ym + 5, 1).Value Mid$(Z$, Xm * (Y - 1) + X + 1, 1) = CStr(N) Cells(Ym + 5, 1).Value = Z$ End Property ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Property Get: simule la Lecture de N [Integer] dans PP(Y,X) [Integer] ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Property Get PP(ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal X As Integer) As Integer If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Or N < 0 Or N > 9 Then PP = -1: Exit Property PP = Val(Mid$(Cells(Ym + 5, 1).Value, Xm * (Y - 1) + X + 1, 1)) End Property