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Trognon le chaton

En lumière..

Des articles Lesbiens: Camellia Rose ,
Lipsticks [:* Fanny] , Lisa
et des Histoires signées MyLzz59: Mylène écrit (http://mylene-ecrit.blogspot.fr)

Des articles Trans-*: Ma Vie En Rose ,
Wawa's Smile , FtM ? , Thomas Beatie 2

Des Coups de Coeur: EXL ,
Kashimashi ~Girl meets Girl~ ,
Sa Majesté Freddie , Mon Côté Midinette
des Coups de Gueule: Karol relève-toi ,
BlondeBox , 1 pub 2 mR2 [bon courage :D]
et des Coups de Blues: Pile 1 an ,
Baisser de Rideau , Interlude

Du Visual Basic (VB6-VBA): Mlle Hanoï
Boules , Bombes , AnaClock , DigiClock ,
Tris (tetris) ,
et de la Bricologie: Real Barbie Girl

Pis pour les plus grand(e)s, des
DildoBike , Tech To Nique

Et même parfois de la vraie vie:
Impressions de Voyage (Maroc) ,
Chez Mickey , La Tonnelle ,
Nous Nous Sommes Rencontrées


La vraie Taunie ..

... Tu me manques :'(

Notre Taz :*

Clock & Zik..

Idée Cadeau..


dyke goudou gouine homo homoaffectivité homoaffectivity homosexual homosexualité homosexuality homosexuel homosexuelle inverti invertie lesbian lesbianism lesbianisme lesbien lesbienne lez néovagin neovagina réassignation saphique saphisme sapphic sapphism trans transgender transgenre transidentité transidentity transsexalité transsexality transsexual transsexualism transsexualisme transsexuel transsexuelle tribade tribadisme vaginoplastie ...

Le combat continue..


.. @gmail.com

Blog français

Ca va encore mieux en le disant.. Important
## Comment "marche" ce Blog / Comment laisser un Commentaire ##

Et pour finir,
Mylène écrit (http://mylene-ecrit.blogspot.fr)N'oubliez pas de visiter aussi
mon blog d'histoires ====>


mardi 7 avril 1970


Bombes (P)03/2010 MyLzz59: le Code Source Complet
(à coller dans la zone de code de la première feuille)

' -----------------
' Zone Déclarations
' -----------------
Const Tit = "Bombes (P)03/2010 MyLzz59"
Const Ym = 30, Xm = 40, Nb = 100, Xt = 2, Xb = 18, Xc = 28, Xr = 32
'Dim P() As Integer

' ------------------
' EVT: Teste la Zone
' ------------------
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Y = Target.Row: X = Target.Column: Cancel = True
If Y = Ym + 2 And X = Xr Then
    If MsgBox("Réinitialiser l'Aire de Jeu ?", _
        vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, Tit) = vbYes Then Remplis
    Exit Sub
End If
If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Then Exit Sub
Prot False: Pop Y, X: TesteGagne: Prot True
End Sub

' ------------
' EVT: Drapeau
' ------------
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Y = Target.Row: X = Target.Column: If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Then Exit Sub
Select Case Target.Text
    Case "": T = 10: T2 = -1: GoSub SS1
    Case "O": T = 11: T2 = 1: GoSub SS1
End Select
Cancel = True: Exit Sub
SS1: Prot False: Colorie Y, X, 1 * T: Cells(Ym + 2, Xb) = Cells(Ym + 2, Xb) + T2
If PP(Y, X) = 9 Then Cells(Ym + 6, Xb) = Cells(Ym + 6, Xb) + T2
Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) = Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) + T2: TesteGagne: Prot True: Return
End Sub

' -----------------------
' Crée un Nouveau Terrain
' -----------------------
Sub Remplis()
Randomize Timer
'ReDim P(1 To Ym, 1 To Xm)
Prot False
Cells(Ym + 5, 1).Value = "Z" + String$(Xm * Ym, "0")
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Ym, Xm)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Ym, Xm)).ClearContents ' Nettoyage
For T = 1 To Nb
    'Do: Y = Int(Rnd * Ym) + 1: X = Int(Rnd * Xm) + 1: Loop While P(Y, X) = 9 ' Bombes
    Do: Y = Int(Rnd * Ym) + 1: X = Int(Rnd * Xm) + 1: Loop While PP(Y, X) = 9 ' Bombes
    For Y2 = Y - 1 To Y + 1: For X2 = X - 1 To X + 1
        If X2 >= 1 And X2 <= Xm And Y2 >= 1 And Y2 <= Ym Then
            If X2 <> X Or Y2 <> Y Then
                'If P(Y2, X2) < 9 Then P(Y2, X2) = P(Y2, X2) + 1 ' Incrément autour
                If PP(Y2, X2) < 9 Then PP(Y2, X2) = PP(Y2, X2) + 1 ' Incrément autour
                'P(Y, X) = 9 ' Place Bombe
                PP(Y, X) = 9 ' Place Bombe
            End If
        End If
    Next X2, Y2
Next T
Cells(Ym + 2, Xt).Value = Tit: Cells(Ym + 2, Xb).Value = Nb
Cells(Ym + 2, Xc).Value = Xm * Ym: Cells(Ym + 6, Xb).Value = Nb 'Marquages
Prot True: MsgBox "Bonne Chance ;)", vbInformation, Tit
End Sub

' ----------------------------------
' SUB: Découvrir une Case (Récursif)
' ----------------------------------
Sub Pop(ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal X As Integer)
If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Then Exit Sub
If Cells(Y, X).Text <> "" Then Exit Sub
'Colorie Y, X, P(Y, X): Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) = Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) - 1
Colorie Y, X, PP(Y, X): Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) = Cells(Ym + 2, Xc) - 1
'Select Case P(Y, X)
Select Case PP(Y, X)
Case 9 ' Bombe
    ' --
    For Y = 1 To Ym: For X = 1 To Xm
        'If Cells(Y, X).Text = "" _
            or  Cells(Y, X).Text = "O" Then Colorie Y, X, P(Y, X)
        If Cells(Y, X).Text = "" _
            Or Cells(Y, X).Text = "O" Then Colorie Y, X, PP(Y, X)
        If Cells(Y, X).Text = "0" Then Colorie Y, X, 13
    Next X, Y
    MsgBox "<<<< BOOM >>>>" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Vous avez perdu.. :(", vbCritical, Tit
    ' --
Case 1 To 8 ' Découvrir
Case 0 ' Découvrir en Récursif
    For Y2 = Y - 1 To Y + 1: For X2 = X - 1 To X + 1
        If X2 >= 1 And X2 <= Xm And Y2 >= 1 And Y2 <= Ym Then
            If Cells(Y2, X2).Text = "" Then Pop Y2, X2
        End If
    Next X2, Y2
End Select
End Sub

' --------------
' Sub TesteGagne
' --------------
Sub TesteGagne()
If Cells(Ym + 2, Xb).Value = Cells(Ym + 2, Xc).Value Or _
    (Cells(Ym + 2, Xb).Value = 0 And Cells(Ym + 6, Xb).Value = 0) Then
    For Y = 1 To Ym: For X = 1 To Xm
        'If Cells(Y, X).Text = "" _
            or  Cells(Y, X).Text = "O" Then Colorie Y, X, P(Y, X)
        If Cells(Y, X).Text = "" _
            Or Cells(Y, X).Text = "O" Then Colorie Y, X, PP(Y, X)
        If Cells(Y, X).Text = "0" Then Colorie Y, X, 12
    Next X, Y
    MsgBox "<<<< BRAVO >>>>" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Vous avez gagné.. :)", vbInformation, Tit
End If
End Sub

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Sub: Colorie la Case (Y,X) en Fonction du Nombre de Bombes (ou autre..)
' ( N=0..8 ; N=9:Bombe ; N=10:Drapeau ; N=11:Cachée ; N=12:Gagné ; N=13:Perdu )
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub Colorie(ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal X As Integer, ByRef N As Integer)
If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Or N < 0 Or N > 13 Then Exit Sub
With Cells(Y, X)
    .Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(N = 13, 30, IIf(N = 12, 10, _
        IIf(N = 11, 15, IIf(N = 10, 19, IIf(N = 9, 3, IIf(N, 17, 16))))))
    .Font.ColorIndex = IIf(N = 13, 30, IIf(N = 12, 10, _
        IIf(N = 11, 11, IIf(N = 10, 11, IIf(N = 9, 1, IIf(N, 8, 16))))))
    .Font.Name = IIf(N > 8 And N < 11, "Wingdings", "Comic Sans")
    .Value = IIf(N > 11, "0", IIf(N = 11, "", IIf(N = 10, "O", IIf(N = 9, "M", CStr(N)))))
End With
End Sub

' -------------------
' SUB: Protéger (O/N)
' -------------------
Sub Prot(B As Boolean)
If B Then Sheets(1).Protect "" Else Sheets(1).Unprotect ""
End Sub

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' Property Let: simule l'Ecriture de N [Integer] dans PP(Y,X) [Integer]
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Let PP(ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal X As Integer, ByRef N As Integer)
If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Or N < 0 Or N > 9 Then Exit Property
Z$ = Cells(Ym + 5, 1).Value
Mid$(Z$, Xm * (Y - 1) + X + 1, 1) = CStr(N)
Cells(Ym + 5, 1).Value = Z$
End Property

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' Property Get: simule la Lecture de N [Integer] dans PP(Y,X) [Integer]
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get PP(ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal X As Integer) As Integer
If X < 1 Or X > Xm Or Y < 1 Or Y > Ym Or N < 0 Or N > 9 Then PP = -1: Exit Property
PP = Val(Mid$(Cells(Ym + 5, 1).Value, Xm * (Y - 1) + X + 1, 1))
End Property
